



En la puerta de la Catedral de Albi. De izqda a dcha. : Noelia Carbelo, Esther Antequera, Ana López, Laura López y Sofía Linares, junto a seis chicas alemanas.


I think that the Comenius Project is fantastic, because you can learn a lot of English and you can see other styles of life.

My experience was great because in France, the way of living is very different from Spain.


El castillo de Carcassonne. De iqda. a dcha. : Ana López, Laura López, Sofía Linares, Esther Antequera y Noelia Carbelo.

In France, I ate a lot of cheese, all types of cheese… I don’t remember the names, because they were very difficult in French.

We have visited a lot of monuments and cities. My favourite city was Carcassonne, because it is a medieval city and is decorated like a medieval real city.

 On Wednesday, I went with my French family to ice skating, and we visited Castres, a little village near Mazamet.

It has been an incredible experience. If I could go again, I would, because it has been fantastic. The teachers, Esther and Jesus, were fantastic and they were very good with us.


Noelia Carbelo Castillo.

Alumna de 3º de ESO  (curso 2014-2015)