Exchange UCC – IES Alba Longa February 2016
We were realy excited before our English friends arrived at the airport. We were waiting for them for a while and it seemed a long time.
When we saw them for the first time, we all felt really nervous, but we also knew it was something usual, so we tried to speak openly to each other. We had studied a lot, so it was the opportunity to show them all our knowledge about English. They got surprised and we all quickly became very good friends.
We lived a lot of amazing adventures, funny situations and magic moments. We looked like a big family!
They learnt many things about our beautiful country, but they taught us a lot of English vocabulary and pronunciation, too, which is a really important thing that will help us in the future.
We will always remember this unforgettable experience, but that was only part of the journey, because now it is our turn to go to England and meet them soon again. We can’t wait.
Jorge Félix Álvarez Cáliz
curso 2015-2016